Sculptures Unavailable

bigday-full  bigday-side

“Big Day Come and Big Day Go”
24″H x 18″W x 8″D
Mixed Media Assemblage

Boschfull  bosch-side

24″H x 18″W x 8″D
Mixed Media Assemblage

externalcombustion-f  externalcombustion-side

“External Combustion”
18″H x 24″W x 8″D
Mixed Media Assemblage

shootthemoon-full shootthemoon_dooropen-full shootthemoon-detail shootthemoon-side

“Shoot the Moon”
18″H x 24″W x 8″D
Mixed Media Assemblage

andthenyoudie-full andthenyoudie-side andthenyoudie-side2 andthenyoudie-detail

“…and then you die.”
24″H x 18″W x 8″D
Mixed Media Assemblage

stepinright-full stepinright_doorsopen-full stepinright-detail2 stepinright-detail3

“A Step in the Right Direction”
24″H x 18″W x 6″D
Mixed Media Assemblage

spacelounge-full spacelounge-detail

“Space Lounge”
24″H x 18″W x 6″D
Mixed Media Assemblage


“Freedom of Eve”
18″H x 24″W x 8″D
Mixed Media Assemblage


“Karla’s Tree”
24″H x 18″W x 12″D
Mixed Media Assemblage

aroundrobins-full aroundrobins-side

“Around Robins”
5″H x 6″W x 3″D
Mixed Media Assemblage

foundnation-full foundnation-sideview

“Found Nation”
5″H x 6″W x 3″D
Mixed Media Assemblage


5″H x 6″W x 3″D
Mixed Media Assemblage


“Suspected Animation”
5″H x 5″W x 3″D
Mixed Media Assemblage


“Which Dogma?”
5″H x 6″W x 3″D
Mixed Media Assemblage

“Target Practice with a Rook” (After Johns)
4″H x 3″W x 3″D
Mixed Media Assemblage

“Target Practice with a Horse” (After Johns)
4″H x 3″W x 3″D
Mixed Media Assemblage

“Target Practice with a Woman” (After Johns)
4″H x 3″W x 3″D
Mixed Media Assemblage

“Target Practice with Me” (After Johns)
4″H x 3″W x 3″D
Mixed Media Assemblage